Wadi Naqab – Dubai hiking is a hot spot for outdoor enthusiasts in the UAE. Wadi Naqab is a multitude of hiking and off-roading destination. So this article is going to be pretty long and will be having lots of frequent updates.
This unique Wadi Naqab – Dubai hiking location provides a wide range of hike routes. There are couple of villages, wadis and trails around this Wadi Naqab area. Difficulty level for each of these also varies from hike to hike. So its recommended to choose the trails and do pretty good home work. Cellular network coverage is minimum, so use GPS and walkie-talkies if you are up to the toughest hikes in this region of Wadi Naqab – Dubai hiking.
Wadi Naqab – Dubai hiking – Hike to the red wall
Here is my short Gopro footage from my previous Hike.
You can watch this from youtube directly here using this youtube channel
This is the most easiest hike trail in Wadi Naqab – Dubai hiking area. All you have to do is walk straight up the valley. There is clear nice trail along due to frequent visitors. Walk forward as much as you can and keep in mind that you will have to walk back all the way which you walked up. Its pitch black without sunlight and so quiet that you can hear you own heart beat.
Don’t do anything stupid like taking selfies from cliffs. It may look cool and there are plenty of tempting location for selfie-shoot. It dangerous and ambulance cannot reach these locations. you are far away from roads.
Trail Hike Location : Wadi Naqab, Ras Al Khaima, UAE
Level : Beginner / fitness level 100% good.
Recommended Gears :
Hiking shoe / runners with good grip,
Water min 2 liters,
We do have a big list of things you might want to go through and you may found useful if you are really preparing to get going. Please refer out Hiking check list to have a quick look.
Recommended season : Winter.
Wadi Naqab – Dubai hiking is a fantastic off-road destination for a bit of everything. A classic (if rather short) wadi-bashing experience with different levels of challenge, great camping spots and viewpoints, this all-rounder also offers an abundance of opportunities to get up to elevation for rewarding hiking.
Ras Al Khaimah’s impressive Hajar Mountains lean from Wadi Naqab towards the sea, showing their many colours and formations.

Below is the google map link to the destination.
Reaching the starting point of the journey is bit tricky. If you have a 4 wheel drive you can cover most of the unpaved roads till the bottom of the mountain. If you don’t have a 4 wheel drive you can use your driving skill on your sedan car to reach as close as possible. I insist not to try any risky drive in the morning itself. You could spoil your entire Wadi Naqab trip.
The first point is the location where you will start basically the offroading. You will need to travel along the valley to the second map. If you have a good 4 wheeler you can starting using it or else you can start walking. Take your car only as far as you think its safe. Dont risk and push the drive.
The third oint given below is the red wall stop. You can stop here if you are a bigginer and return back. The rest can try to push through but not recomended as its highly risky.
Once you find nice good parking area you can park your car and gear up. After the parking you will have to travel approximately one kilometer to 2 kilometer through big round gravels and rocks. These pictures will give you an idea about the view that you may expect in early morning around 9 o’clock.
Once you find nice good parking area you can park your car and gear up. After the parking you will have to travel approximately one kilometer to 2 kilometer through big round gravels and rocks. These pictures will give you an idea about the view that you may expect in early morning around 9 o’clock.
You may still find some houses and farmlands nearby. You may also find some random goats and dogs. You don’t have to wonder if you find any local people there. You may also find some other trekking groups travelling along the same road.
The first 5km are through the wadi bed and up to a bat cave (with some scrambling you can go inside if you would like). After a short break and snacks we’ll start up a managed path with beautiful cliff views to an old settlement where we will have lunch.
Be prepared for surreal views! you need a 4wd to reach the starting point. nice hike, not very technical but need good level of fitness. some steep uphill ascend, but the view and village at the top made it worthwhile. good hiking boots with ankle protection are recommended.